Red Dress Party

Couple $70.00

Single Female $20.00

VIP Couple - Free

VIP Single Female - Free

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colette Austin

Red Dress Party

Saturday, August 10

9:00 PM - 3:00 AM

Step into a night of crimson confidence at the colette Red Dress Party! This sexy event turns up the heat with a dress code that demands bold and beautiful red. Dance the night away, where every shade of scarlet stuns under the club's dazzling lights. Mix and mingle with fellow members dressed to impress and lose yourself in the decadence.


Before attending any of the colette locations, you must submit an online application form.

Member of colettte already?:Request a Username.

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The application is short and only takes a couple of minutes. Once your membership is accepted, you will be able to purchase tickets. Thank you.

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